Good practices today can provide a brighter tomorrow.

We need your help! Here is how you can…

There are many ways to help improve our planet and provide hope for a healthier environment.

clothes-%20pile2-smallFor most, when you hear the word “recycle,” you think of that water bottle you’ve just finished or the newspaper you’ve just put down. The need for the recycling of plastics and papers has become very widely known in the United States; In fact, many states have made recycling of these goods mandatory and failure to do so can result in a fine.

The people at I Donate Goods are involved directly in the recycling and reusing of textiles. An endeavor that has not received the same level of public awareness; but it is however, at the same level of public importance. According to the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, textiles make up about four percent of the weight and eight percent of the volume of all municipal solid waste in the United States.

The Council for Textile Recycling estimates that 2.5 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste (which includes anything made of fabric) is collected and prevented from entering directly into the waste stream. This represents 10 pounds for every person in the United States, but it is still only about 15% of the clothing that is discarded. With only 15% being recycled, we have a long way to go and plenty of room for improvement.

You can help us directly by hosting a clothing recycling bin or by simply stopping by one of our recycling bins with your used clothing or textiles.

Remember to check first to make sure they are items that we can accept.